Shipping, Refund & Return Policy

Our estimated shipping turn around time for blank, in stock items is 1-3 business days depending on daily order volume. During peek holiday seasons it can take up to 5 business days. This estimate is for processing time only, not transit time. The shipping service selected at checkout is transit time once your order has processed and shipped. If you choose priority express or overnight delivery those order will ship same day or next day depending on the time and day the order was placed. Please note, once your order ships we can not guarantee UPS or USPS transit times. Tracking information will be emailed once your order has shipped. 
Personalization will add an additional 10-14 business days for processing. Again this is just as estimate and can vary during peek holiday seasons or with pre-orders. 
Refunds & Returns:
We do not offer refunds, returns or exchanges. All sales are final. Although, if we make a mistake on your order, we will gladly correct it! Just contact us at with your order number, customer name and email address. Please allow 1-2 business days for a response. 

Wholesale Customers:
Please make sure you are logged in to your wholesale account and your wholesale discount is reflected BEFORE finalizing your order and making a payment. We suggest that you do not use the express payment option and that you chose your payment method on the last page. Once your order is processed, we can NOT correct wholesale pricing or discounts.